Category: Opinion


Fire season at our doorstep

By Jen Jackson Quintano

Reader Contributor

That June, while we were away in Colorado on wildland fire assignments, it rained five inches in Sandpoint. We returned home one evening, late …

Living on the Cheap:

By Susan Drinkard
Reader Staff

I love a deal. Who doesn’t?

What’s more, I hate wasting food, wasting time, wasting money and wasting resources probably more than anyone you have …

The Great Pretender

By Tim Henney

Reader Humor Contributor

Determination, perseverance, preparation? Nonsense. Knowledge, ambition, experience? A myth. A firm handshake, a shine on your shoes and a smile? Baloney.

Such weary bromides …


  • Support Our Schools… Dear Editor, When our family moved to Sandpoint in 2012, we quickly realized that our new home boasted a unique culture centered on community. We have had the pleasure to immerse ourselves into the culture of Bonner Country and Sandpoint, which has proven very rewarding for us and our children. We have ...
  • Vote for Betterment of our Village… Dear Editor, I am a retired single woman. I own my own home in Sandpoint and pay property taxes. I don’t directly use any of the public schools. But indirectly the services provided by our schools have huge impacts on my quality of life. Some of those students will become doctors, ...
  • Wilderness is Multi-Use… Dear Editor, To no one’s surprise, the Clark Fork City Council is opposed to a Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. They oppose the designation or want it reduced in size and recommend “returning surrounding areas to multiple use management.” Multiple use was mandated in The Multiple Use - Sustained Yield Act of 1960. This ...
  • Protect Wilderness… Dear Editor, I am writing this letter in support of wilderness designation for the Scotchman Peaks area. I have enjoyed hiking and backpacking in the Scotchman Peaks area ever since I first moved here (30 years ago). There is nothing I love to do more than strap on my hiking boots ...
  • Chamber Supports Levy… Dear Editor, The Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors supports the renewal of the Lake Pend Oreille School District Levy. A ‘yes’ vote on March 14 will replace the current levy and help the school district maintain our academic programs, technology and extracurricular activities. This levy funds one-third of all ...
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