Category: Opinion


Fire season at our doorstep

By Jen Jackson Quintano

Reader Contributor

That June, while we were away in Colorado on wildland fire assignments, it rained five inches in Sandpoint. We returned home one evening, late …

Living on the Cheap:

By Susan Drinkard
Reader Staff

I love a deal. Who doesn’t?

What’s more, I hate wasting food, wasting time, wasting money and wasting resources probably more than anyone you have …

The Great Pretender

By Tim Henney

Reader Humor Contributor

Determination, perseverance, preparation? Nonsense. Knowledge, ambition, experience? A myth. A firm handshake, a shine on your shoes and a smile? Baloney.

Such weary bromides …


  • How the world gets better… Dear Editor, Ancient wisdom suggest: “When all else fails - read the directions.” I believe common sense now suggests a way to find  “The Directions.” First, every human being is invited to answer personally and courageously one little question: How would you like the world to be? (From the heart—important stuff—just pretend it!). Then ...
  • The Work Begins… Dear Editor, After his win in 2008, President Obama said, “Elections have consequences.” Eight years later the American public decided liberal policies simply weren’t working. Hard-working Americans had enough. Meanwhile, disgruntled liberal protesters who were angry about Donald Trump’s election victory rioted in the streets from northern California to Seattle, burning ...
  • Beating a Dead Horse 4… Dear Editor, When one clicks on “Read Previous weeks>>” on the Reader’s website homepage you are taken to a page showing the covers of previous issues. Click on any of these cover photos and the complete text of the issue pops up… except for one. The May 26, 2016, issue text ...
  • Vote For Local Politicians… Dear Editor, Regardless of how you feel about the presidential election, your vote for local candidates has great importance for us in our daily lives, right here in our North Idaho homes. You have a right to voice your choice.  It is precious. VOTE FOR LOCAL CANDIDATES ON NOVEMBER 8TH! Debbie Ford Sandpoint
  • Standing Rock Needs Your Help… Dear Editor, I recently spent seven days at the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, supporting the Water Protectors non-violent actions to stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), which would carry fracked crude oil 1,000-plus miles from North Dakota oil fields to Illinois, crossing the Ogallala Aquifer, the Missouri ...
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