Category: Opinion


Fire season at our doorstep

By Jen Jackson Quintano

Reader Contributor

That June, while we were away in Colorado on wildland fire assignments, it rained five inches in Sandpoint. We returned home one evening, late …

Living on the Cheap:

By Susan Drinkard
Reader Staff

I love a deal. Who doesn’t?

What’s more, I hate wasting food, wasting time, wasting money and wasting resources probably more than anyone you have …

The Great Pretender

By Tim Henney

Reader Humor Contributor

Determination, perseverance, preparation? Nonsense. Knowledge, ambition, experience? A myth. A firm handshake, a shine on your shoes and a smile? Baloney.

Such weary bromides …


  • Twisted Facts… Dear Editor, Mr. Rose gets many facts twisted and appears to need some education. The federal government can not seize lands they already have. The Scotchman Peaks are owned by the public and managed by the federal government through the United States Forest Service. Whether the Scotchman Peaks end up being ...
  • For the Kids… Dear Editor, We now have a generation of children born after Columbine and 9/11 who have always lived in an ever more dangerous world. This is in stark contrast to nearly everyone over about 30 years old who never even considered school terrorism or shootings. While many of us feel “it ...
  • Fix the ‘Gun Show Loophole’…? Dear Editor, You want to fix the “gun-show loophole” on firearm purchases? There isn’t one, really (know what you are talking about, see above). It is a private party transfer loophole. I’m cool with that fix, but you had better improve the restricted buyer database. Not all law enforcement (local, state, ...
  • Yes to Wilderness… Dear Editor, I am in favor of wilderness designation for the Scotchman Peaks area. Currently, this land is owned by the American public and managed by the Forest Service. If this becomes wilderness, it will still be owned by the American people and managed for us by the Forest Service. Currently, ...
  • Distorted Facts… Dear Editor, Steve Brixen, I agree with your analogy that guns (in your case, apparently, a rifle), in being like cars (in my case a pick-up truck), do not cause harm by themselves. Rare exceptions noted. So hopefully you’re in agreement that we should treat the two a little more alike. You ...
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