Category: Opinion


Fire season at our doorstep

By Jen Jackson Quintano

Reader Contributor

That June, while we were away in Colorado on wildland fire assignments, it rained five inches in Sandpoint. We returned home one evening, late …

Living on the Cheap:

By Susan Drinkard
Reader Staff

I love a deal. Who doesn’t?

What’s more, I hate wasting food, wasting time, wasting money and wasting resources probably more than anyone you have …

The Great Pretender

By Tim Henney

Reader Humor Contributor

Determination, perseverance, preparation? Nonsense. Knowledge, ambition, experience? A myth. A firm handshake, a shine on your shoes and a smile? Baloney.

Such weary bromides …


  • Small Investment is Critical… Dear Editor, The March 14 supplemental school levy election is critical to the well-being of our community. Until the state government steps up to provide adequate funding for public schools, the responsibility falls on us to make sure our children get a good education. Our daughter is a proud 2016 graduate of ...
  • We Are Full Spectrum of Humans… Hi fabulous Reader folks! In these times where one can either turn on Democrat news media or Republican news media and nothing in between, we, the ever growing post-partisan population (43 percent last time I looked) who are no longer in this “us vs. them” paradigm, have no place to get ...
  • Look at the Facts… Dear Editor, I write this letter in support of continuing the supplemental levy that is up for renewal on March 14. This levy is not new. It is a replacement of an expiring levy – one that has been approved every two years for the past 17 years. The school district ...
  • Stop Misleading Risch… Dear Editor, It is about time the so-called Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness and the Forest Service stop trying to mislead Sen. Jim Risch, our county commissioners, and others claiming there is very little opposition to the proposed wilderness. This is just not true. Now that people realize what they ...
  • Our Community Needs This… Dear Editor, Those I have spoken to who are planning to vote against the upcoming school levy often bring up financial and economic reasons. Whether it is because of a perceived rise in their taxes (it’s very minimal since it’s a replacement levy), or whether it is because our superintendent’s salary ...
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