Category: Opinion


Fire season at our doorstep

By Jen Jackson Quintano

Reader Contributor

That June, while we were away in Colorado on wildland fire assignments, it rained five inches in Sandpoint. We returned home one evening, late …

Living on the Cheap:

By Susan Drinkard
Reader Staff

I love a deal. Who doesn’t?

What’s more, I hate wasting food, wasting time, wasting money and wasting resources probably more than anyone you have …

The Great Pretender

By Tim Henney

Reader Humor Contributor

Determination, perseverance, preparation? Nonsense. Knowledge, ambition, experience? A myth. A firm handshake, a shine on your shoes and a smile? Baloney.

Such weary bromides …


  • Steve Johnson for County Commissioner… Dear Editor, We are fortunate to have Steve Johnson running for Bonner County Commissioner for District 1 in November. Steve is a lifelong resident of Bonner County, a graduate of Sandpoint schools from elementary through high school and from the University of Idaho. He is a firm supporter of education. He ...
  • A Clean Comedy Show… Dear Editor, For all those folks who were critical of The Follies, here’s their chance to see a clean comedy show and silent auction that benefits American Heritage Wildlife Foundation. Located out of Clark Fork AHWF is the only 501c3 facility in Idaho with permits to care for most of our ...
  • Ellen Weissman is the Person We Need… Dear Editor: Ellen Weissman is the person we need to be our representative for North Idaho.   She exemplifies all that is good and has worked hard to make our lives better. She is by nature a positive force in our community. Under her directorship, the Sandpoint Senior Center has been revitalized. Ellen ...
  • Commissioners… Dear Editor: With Ben’s indulgence, a P.S. to my letter last week: Since when did Dan McDonald become the Bonner County Commission? The article in last week’s edition by Lyndsie Kiebert and the piece in the Daily Bee seems to indicate the McDonald is the only member of the commission that matters. ...
  • Vote for Steve Johnson… Dear Editor, Steve Johnson is running for Bonner County commissioner, District 1, in the November election. A lifetime resident of Bonner County, he has proven to be a successful administrator, attentive listener, and experienced problem solver -- committed to a strong economy and quality of life. A graduate of Sandpoint High School ...
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