Category: Music

A singular achievement

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

Jon Brownell has been teaching Bonner County students to sing for 31 years, but it wasn’t until 2018 that he and his choir won the …

MCS expands Summer Academy offerings

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

It’s been an exciting year for the Sandpoint Music Conservatory. In September 2019, MCS announced it had completed the purchase of the downtown Sandpoint building …

Battle of the bands

By Reader Staff

For decades, the battle has raged: Beatles or Stones? Through their heyday, fans accused London’s Rolling Stones of stealing ideas — even entire albums — from their …

Music from the Heart

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Seeing as most would consider the Panida Theater the heart of the Sandpoint arts scene, it seems particularly fitting that Roger Fisher of the popular …

The gift of music

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Playing a musical instrument is a lifelong activity that enriches life, one note at a time. Musical for Life, a Sandpoint-based nonprofit organization, aims to …

Rainy day blues

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

It rained most of last week, and as a result I’ve found myself listening to work by more melancholy, contemplative artists on our office Spotify …

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