Bonner County’s choppy wake debate
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Last week marked the latest in Bonner County’s wake saga, as county commissioners voted against extending no-wake zones from the county standard of 200 feet …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Last week marked the latest in Bonner County’s wake saga, as county commissioners voted against extending no-wake zones from the county standard of 200 feet …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
In a budget workshop on Aug. 8, county clerk Mike Rosedale laid out the greatest point of contention during this budget season: to take forgone …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The 2019 Bonner County budget was finalized last week, boasting increased salaries in several departments and introducing a 3-percent tax increase.
Going into effect this …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
A recent study places Bonner County among the highest rates in the nation for parents opting kindergarten-age children out of vaccinations.
Published in the peer-reviewed, …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County Sheriff’s Deputy Rob Danno can describe this year’s waterway debris situation in a single word: “Problematic.”
“There’s an unusual amount of debris in …
By Reader Staff
The solid waste collection site at 274 Upland Dr. will be closed starting Thursday, May 24 for construction, said Bob Howard, director of Bonner County Solid Waste.…
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The Bonner County no-wake zone regulation is being extended to 500 feet on all waterways starting now in response to flood threats.
The Board of …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
One might not expect the eye-popping vistas of Scotchman Peaks to be the symbolic site of a political battlefield.
Yet as pro- and anti-wilderness advocates …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Waterways Subcommittee hosted a public workshop Monday to gather opinions on possible solutions to local wake damage, but the discussion revolved largely …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
All attended Bonner County solid waste collection sites will be closed on Wednesday, May 2.
Solid Waste Director Bob Howard said the closures are due …
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