Category: Opinion


An ‘ungracious’ prayer

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

Any halfway diligent reader of the Reader since December 2004 is familiar with my coverage of city decisions, trends and politics. They may also have …

Eat a peach

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

In Shakey, Jimmy McDonough’s massive 750-page biography of Neil Young, he described the moment when Young bailed on Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young midway …

The Lumberjill: Generation WTF

By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Columnist

<insert deep, fortifying breath here as I contemplate raising a girl at this particular time in history>

<insert long, drawn-out f-bomb as I stall …

Looking back

By Erik Daarstad
Reader Contributor

Having grown up during World War II and lived under German occupation for five years, I watched the planes drop the bombs that killed my …

The birds in my wall

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

There’s a bird that lives in my wall. Actually, there’s a whole family of them in there, jostling around, chirping, fussing and pecking.

I first …

Uncomfortably numb

By Jerry Luther
Reader Contributor

We parked close to the City Parking Lot, got our puppets out of the car and quickly became our characters — my wife is in …


  • Vote for Kunzeman… Dear Editor, In the almost 40 years that I’ve lived in Bonner County, having voted for numerous candidates to serve on the Bonner County Commission, there have only been two women elected to represent my interests of fairness, cooperation, sustainable growth and spending, and sound leadership. They included Susan Macleod, a ...
  • Re-Elect Dan McDonald… Dan McDonald has done an outstanding job in his role as County Commissioner. As part of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, I get to hear reports from the commissioners and other county and city officials during monthly meetings. I have been impressed with Dan’s businesslike approach to managing the ...
  • Fulcher Can Be Trusted… Dear Editor, Is there an Idaho Citizen statesman that we can truly trust in Congress? Yes, one! Russ Fulcher! He has invaluable experience in international affairs working for Micron Tech in 26 countries, including Arab countries. By personal experience in the Netherlands, he is keenly aware of how socialism destroys the economy. And years ago, he ...
  • Gow is a No Go… Dear Editor, On Wednesday, April 25, I listened to the Morning Show on KRFY 88.5 FM which was featuring a discussion with the Republican candidates for Bonner County assessor. I was concerned when I heard candidate Donna Gow launch a deliberate and senseless attack on the qualifications of her boss, Assessor ...
  • Englehardt is Best Choice… Dear Editor, A vote for Dennis Engelhardt is a vote for fair assessments and experienced leadership. Engelhardt’s ethical standards are above reproach. He is honest, with an unyielding commitment to doing what is right. He listens to both sides of an issue and engages parties before making a decision. Given Engelhardt’s experience with ...
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