Category: Music

Festival at Sandpoint: Week 1

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

The Festival at Sandpoint is nothing short of a two-week shindig. With shindigs come the necessary planning: How will you get there? What will you …

Bandwagon: Down North, July 19, The Hive

Names like James Brown, Sam Cooke and Prince come up when people talk about Down North. The Seattle-based four-piece, fronted by Anthony Briscoe, inhabits elements of all three iconic artists …

Bandwagon: Tony Furtado, July 19, Di Luna’s

Tony Furtado’s meticulous, high-speed banjo and guitar work immediately evokes images of rolling through a red-clay country landscape somewhere in the South, but he’s 100% a Westerner: born and raised …

Dock rock

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Of all the early-2000s country music hits, nothing serves as a better soundtrack to summer days on Lake Pend Oreille than Craig Morgan’s “Redneck Yacht …

Sandpoint Summer Series: Lilla

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Some of Lilla’s earliest memories are of writing songs. 

The self-taught pianist and Portland-based R&B artist said she can’t remember a time she didn’t love …

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