Tagged: Tim Henney

Miles and Me:

By Tim Henney
Reader Contributor

Charlie “Yardbird” Parker and Dizzy Gillespie blew America’s musical roof off with bebop jazz in the late 1940’s. Softer, conventional jazz—my kind—languished. Their feverish screeching …

The Old Man and the Trees

By Justin Henney
Reader Contributor

Ten years ago my mom and dad followed my wife and me and moved to Sandpoint. Our first daughter was born that June of 2005 …

As time goes by:

By Tim Henney
Reader Columnist

One of the major news stories of our time occurred recently and the world’s media barely mentioned it. That is because those who manage the …

The Great Pretender

By Tim Henney

Reader Humor Contributor

Determination, perseverance, preparation? Nonsense. Knowledge, ambition, experience? A myth. A firm handshake, a shine on your shoes and a smile? Baloney.

Such weary bromides …

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