Tagged: sandpoint reader

Walmart awards $29k grant to SASi

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Walmart awarded Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. (SASi) a grant totaling $28,750 on Thursday. After handing the “big check” to SASi executive director Ellen Weissman, Walmart …

The student of a legend:

By Cameron Barnes
Reader Staff

When I picture Ansel Adams, I think of a truly independent photographer.

His work covering national parks led him to some of the remote areas …

Battle lines drawn in representative race

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

The race between Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, and Democratic challenger Kate McAlister for District 1 representative seat A is heating up.

With the weeks dwindling …

Gardening with Laurie:

By Laurie Brown
Reader Garden Columnist

Spring blooming bulbs can provide a glorious show, many blooming before many other plants leaf out. Sadly, many of us find them an exercise …

Trail Mix Committee blazing a path

By Cate Huisman
Reader Contributor

If you’ve sweated up Mickinnick Trail, cycled the rocks and drops of Syringa Heights, or walked your dog on the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail, then …

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