Category: Profile

Wounded in Vietnam, fifty years ago

By Jodi Rawson
Reader Contributor

John “Doc” Ivy served five tours in Vietnam from 1966-1971. He was introduced in the Reader on May 23, 2017, as my beloved veteran neighbor.

A pageant and a platform

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Like many young women of Bonner County, Mindy Dunn got her start in pageants early in life with a star-turn in Sandpoint Junior Miss. 

Though …

Remembering Tamie Jo Martinsen, 57

By Reader Staff

On Dec. 27, 2018, Sandpoint lost a valued member of its community, Tamie Jo Martinsen. She passed away peacefully at the Schneidmiller Hospice House in Coeur d’Alene …

Brian Casey: An everyday local hero

By Jodi Rawson
Reader Staff

Though we have both lived in Sandpoint over a decade, I just met Brian Casey last year. I adore him. Just being around him, I …

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