Category: Opinion


Single in Sandpoint

By Scarlette Quille

Reader Columnist


This weekend’s forecast: Approximately seven degrees cooler than hell, but with worse traffic. Plan accordingly.

Get out on the water as soon as you …

What is a conservative?

By Paul Rechnitzer

Reader Contributor


When I first began to vote, the process seemed so simple compared to what is going on these days. You were either a Republican …


  • Vote…! Dear Editor, After thinking about the primary outcome for awhile now I think I’ve figured it out. I know why Scotchman Peak failed. The answer is comprised of two parts: 1) Less than 48 percent of the registered voters showed up at the polls; and, 2) The usual suspects were among ...
  • Smokestacks Misleading… Dear Editor, Twin smokestacks belching black smoke. “DOWNWIND” and “poison air” in the brightest red ink the Reader can lay down. An ominous black arrow pointing at Sandpoint. The message in the anonymous ad on the back cover of the May 24 issue is clear and grim, but lacking in facts. ...
  • We Applaud Military Vets… Dear Editor, Replying to the “Regarding SPORTS” letter dated 5-4-2018 by USAF retiree Brent Bidus, the SPORTS Group would like to thank this veteran for his service to the country. Military careerists and decorated war veterans are the greatest of all for their service to the nation, whereby liberals, moderates, and ...
  • A Sad Result… Dear Editor,  For me, the sad result of folks voting against the preservation of the unique Scotchmans Peak area makes me wonder if the proud legacy of Idahoans as conservationists has ended. Whereas people were once willing to sit down and discuss issues regarding keeping these treasures landscapes as they are, ...
  • Help me to Understand… Dear Editor, I was shocked when I saw the voting results on the proposal to designate Scotchman Peaks a wilderness area in Idaho. How could a majority of my voting peers in Bonner County vote against an issue I thought was a “no brainer?” Who could possibly be opposed to preserving ...
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