Category: Opinion


Single in Sandpoint

By Scarlette Quille

Reader Columnist


This weekend’s forecast: Approximately seven degrees cooler than hell, but with worse traffic. Plan accordingly.

Get out on the water as soon as you …

What is a conservative?

By Paul Rechnitzer

Reader Contributor


When I first began to vote, the process seemed so simple compared to what is going on these days. You were either a Republican …


  • 72 Years of Love Dear Editor, What can I say about the fact that my parents have been together longer and happier than most of us get to live and love on our small planet. I say to myself “Boy I’m grateful—wow this is wonderful, I’m delighted and  blessed.” The fact that they have one ...
  • Imagine Having a Beer…. Dear Editor, Imagine having a beer over the weekend and losing your job.  Imagine taking your medicine to control your seizures, help you through your chemo treatments, treat your PTSD or to relieve your chronic pain and then being arrested, prosecuted and jailed for doing so.  These are very real consequences ...
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