Category: Opinion


Single in Sandpoint

By Scarlette Quille

Reader Columnist


This weekend’s forecast: Approximately seven degrees cooler than hell, but with worse traffic. Plan accordingly.

Get out on the water as soon as you …

What is a conservative?

By Paul Rechnitzer

Reader Contributor


When I first began to vote, the process seemed so simple compared to what is going on these days. You were either a Republican …


  • Final Response to Mr. Kattner… Dear Editor and Cliff Kattner: This will be my last installment in the dialog I started with Cliff Katner by replying to his letter of Jan. 19.  So, if the Reader publishes this letter and you elect to respond, Cliff, I am giving you the last word. Cliff wrote (gleefully, I think): ...
  • Trump: a True Minority… Dear Editor, It seems ironic that Donald Trump, often criticized for being less-than-friendly towards minorities, should prove to be such a minority himself.  We all know about the popular vote, but when you consider losing the popular vote by the second largest margin of any president in history (which has happened ...
  • Health Care Reform… Dear Editor, Healthcare is 17.8 percent of the U.S. economy. The largest insurance agency in the country is the government, it covers its workers, military, plus 42% of children, 25% of adults under 65, and of course all adults over 65 and over. So, before Republicans get rid of the majority ...
  • Supplemental Levy… Dear Editor, Vote YES on the Lake Pend Oreille School District (LPOSD) Replacement Supplemental Levy. This vote reflects well-deserved confidence in our staff, our students, our children, our grandchildren, and our future. Each Lake Pend Oreille school, especially the small rural ones, rely on local support to fund essential academic programs, services, ...
  • Dixon Town Hall… Dear Editor, I was fortunate enough to attend Sage Dixon’s town hall meeting on Saturday, Jan. 28, in Ponderay. It was my first time meeting with Rep. Dixon, and I really appreciated that he takes the time to meet with his constituents. I was at the meeting to voice my concern about ...
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