Category: Opinion


Single in Sandpoint

By Scarlette Quille

Reader Columnist


This weekend’s forecast: Approximately seven degrees cooler than hell, but with worse traffic. Plan accordingly.

Get out on the water as soon as you …

What is a conservative?

By Paul Rechnitzer

Reader Contributor


When I first began to vote, the process seemed so simple compared to what is going on these days. You were either a Republican …


  • Need EIS for BNSF Bridges … Dear Editor, I am asking that the United States Coast Guard do a full Environmental Impact Statement in the hope that it will show that three new railroad bridges adjacent to the existing ones across Lake Pend Oreille near Sandpoint, ID will too greatly contaminate the water quality, lake bottom and ...
  • Need Analysis of BNSF Second Bridge Project… Dear Editor, I am disappointed the Reader has not done a more critical analysis of BNSF’s enormous Second Bridge project. Safety and congestion issues are just a BNSF public relations ploy on its proposed second bridge across Lake Pend Oreille. Have any of you looked at their draft permit (online) which ...
  • Responsibilities of County Commissioners… Dear Editor, I recently read in a local paper that the county commissioners adopted a resolution, of their own making, opposing a wilderness designation for Scotchman’s Peaks and also called out the U.S. Forest Service to cease managing the ground as recommended wilderness. First, I would like to include a link to ...
  • Liberals Need to Develop a Sense of Humor… Dear Editor, I normally do not respond to negative articles about SPORTS, a premier fire and police association and social club I am privileged to serve as club president, or the greater law enforcement community. But Lawrence Fury’s 5-18-2018 article demeaning military and police needs to be addressed. Liberals need to develop ...
  • R.I.P. Cecil Taylor… Dear Editor, All who have seen Cecil Taylor, like him or not, never forget the experience. Cecil is arguably the greatest pianist to ever live. I think so. Pianist Cecil Taylor (March 25, 1929 – April 5, 2018), a pioneer of free jazz and icon of the avant-garde for more than half ...
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