By PollyAnna
Reader Staff
It’s cold. And snowy. Wow, Anna, I hear you saying, your powers of observation are downright stunning. You know… I just felt like it needed saying.…
By PollyAnna
Reader Staff
It’s cold. And snowy. Wow, Anna, I hear you saying, your powers of observation are downright stunning. You know… I just felt like it needed saying.…
By Jodi Rawson
Reader Contributor
Tilikum died on Jan. 6. In a kinder world he world he would be a vibrant, middle-aged dominant male, like a chief in a pod …
By Mindy Cameron
Reader Contributor
On November 8 Bill and I traveled from Sandpoint to Seattle to be with friends on election night. We brought champagne to celebrate Hillary’s victory …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
RR is totally lost, out of his depth, and uncomfortable. He has not enough knowledge
or decisiveness to cut through the contradictory advice that is …
By Dianne Smith
Reader Columnist
I am always so impressed by passion of people in the community who want Sandpoint to be a safe place to live, raise children and …
By Dr. Gabrielle Duebendorfer
Reader Contributor
I ended part two of this series of articles with the suggestion of being willing to listen to each other’s needs and concerns in …
By Crystal Rosenau
Reader Contributor
Inauguration day is quickly approaching. In this deeply divided left and right country (and I’m not talkin’ the East Coast-West Coast …
By Jodi Rawson
Reader Contributor
When my best friend called to tell me her water burst, I hit the road. I told her I would be there in a couple …
By Art Pilch
Reader Contributor
Scientists have been warning us that our climate is changing rapidly, and that humans are responsible. Most people can see that climate has been changing, …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
There was no love lost between Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, and the press last month.
During the organizational session for the 2017 Idaho Legislature in …
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