Category: Humor

Roast with the most

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

They say you only hurt the ones you love. While that might be a cautionary statement in most instances, with a roast it’s pretty much …

The Real Folk Horoscope

By Cody Lyman
Reader Columnist


Strengths can sometimes be weaknesses, as in the overly-optimistic person who gets disappointed more often than not, but who needs that very optimism just …

An ode to beer

By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Contributor

Many of the more interesting episodes in my life have been sponsored by beer.

There was the performance of 90210-themed haiku at a prominent …

The Real Folk Horoscope

By Cody Lyman
Reader Columnist


OK, so unless you were one of the two people who forgot it was your birthday until you picked up a Reader on said …

Sh*t my mom says

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Moms all have their sayings. Some are silly, others are used to keep you in check. Some sayings become more useful the older you get. …

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