Tagged: sandpoint police

City honors two employees

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

Sandpoint officials honored two city employees last week for achieving significant career milestones.

After 10 weeks in the Idaho Peace Officer Standards and Training Academy, …

Local man still missing

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

Local law enforcement are still in search of a Sandpoint man who went missing last week.

Despite following up on several leads and pinging his …

Officer-involved shooting leaves suspect dead

An officer-involved shooting in northern Sandpoint left one unnamed suspect dead late Tuesday afternoon.

According to Bonner County Sheriff’s Office Captain Ror Lakewold, both the sheriff’s office and Sandpoint Police …

Riley remembered at memorial

By Cameron Rasmusson

Reader Staff

One year ago Wednesday, Jeanetta Riley was killed by Sandpoint police officers when they were called to deal with a disturbance at Bonner General Health.…

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