By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
With poor weather complicating matters, the city is getting its construction work in where it can.
Street striping in anticipation of the switch-over to two-way traffic is scheduled to begin on Monday. However, that date may be pushed back should the weather prove uncooperative, as it has in past weeks. This Idaho Transportation Department-led phase of street striping will begin at Pine Street and Fifth Avenue and will roll out to other streets from there.

City crews install new traffic lights at the intersection of Fifth Ave. and Cedar St. in anticipation of the one-way streets to revert to two-way traffic in the near future. Photo by Ben Olson.
City-managed streets, meanwhile, are scheduled to be re-striped starting May 28.
Upcoming work on Sandpoint Bridge at Schweitzer Cutoff Road may also impact residents’ driving routes. The bridge will be closed to traffic starting Tuesday, May 23, from 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and continuing until Friday. The next week, work expands to six days a week, Monday through Saturday, for the foreseeable future to meet a scheduled completion date of Oct. 31.
The work will result in a new bridge and roundabout controlling traffic at Schweitzer Cutoff Road.
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