Female SHS grad deployed for historic combat launch
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Air Force fighter pilots and maintainers have traditionally been male, but the future looks a lot different as more and more females join the ranks …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Air Force fighter pilots and maintainers have traditionally been male, but the future looks a lot different as more and more females join the ranks …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Sharon Gunter’s booth at the Farmers’ Market at Sandpoint is usually a bright, colorful landmark at the main entrance to Farmin Park. Between the selection …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Visitors to Davis Grocery & Mercantile in Hope are sure to notice a Frito Lay box and blanket tucked beneath a table, and a bowl …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Like most people, the period of time since March has been, well, let’s say illuminating for me and mine. I have learned a lot of …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Sandpoint Reader: What is a specific challenge you see Bonner County facing in the coming year? How might you face that challenge?
Butch Horton: …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Trying to describe the rollout, administration and distribution of funds from the Paycheck Protection Program, national media headlines in recent weeks have been filled with …
Editor’s note: We reached out to a few graduating seniors at Sandpoint High School to ask how the coronavirus has affected their final year of secondary education. We asked each …
Editor’s note: We reached out to a few graduating seniors at Sandpoint High School to ask how the coronavirus has affected their final year of secondary education. We asked each …
Editor’s note: We reached out to a few graduating seniors at Sandpoint High School to ask how the coronavirus has affected their final year of secondary education. We asked each …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
While it’s important to regularly honor those who serve our country in the armed services, every once in a while an individual deserves a bit …
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