Category: Opinion


Workers of the world, divide!

By Tim Bearly
Reader Contributor

It all started going downhill with the advent of that wretched Gutenberg press (if only we could have intervened and outlawed its production). ’Twas hard …

Media literacy is a patriotic duty

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

In 2016, an event called “Citizens Before Refugees” went live on Facebook.

Scheduled to take place at the Twin Falls City Council Chambers, the protest …

Mike’s Corner: The Spider

By Mike Wagoner
Reader Contributor

One day, I discovered a spider, the likes of which one may never see in a lifetime. There it was, dutifully and methodically replacing one …

As a student…

By Simon Eaton
Reader Contributor

Kids laughing as they think up new ideas for projects, soft instrumental music playing to help students concentrate on their geometry test, lively debate thriving …

Value of the Natural Resource Plan

By Jeremy Conlin
Reader Contributor

The misrepresentations of the Natural Resource Plan are reminiscent of the machinations during the period of 1880-1920. “The Progressive Era,” by Murray Rothbard, especially chapter …


  • County Inaccuracies… Dear Editor, There is a recent onslaught of letters from Steve Temple and Carol Jenkins concerning Planning and Zoning. It’s almost as if there is a race to see who can spread the most disinformation. What Mr. Temple forgot in all of his discourse is that the P&Z Commission is appointed by ...
  • Kudos to Reader… Dear Editor, I just want to take the time to congratulate everyone on the success of the Reader. So very glad it is expanding and that it is succeeding in a world where corporate news seems to rule the day. It is a rare thing for a community to have a paper ...
  • Beware of False Candidates… Dear Editor, I want to alert everyone who will be voting on the Democratic ballot in the upcoming primary election on May 17.  There are two people who are running unopposed on the Democratic ticket that are not supported by the Democratic party. In Legislative District 1 for State Senator, Steve Tanner ...
  • Go Scarlette Quille… Hello Scarlette, It’s going to be difficult to top the “Gardetto’s” column. Your wit, sarcasm and humility were appreciated. Wonder if some shrink will steal your test and deny you fame. Sure enjoy your style! Anxious to read more of your goods. Yours, Eric Sandpoint P.S. Ever been desperate and ate the last of the sesame ...
  • Undersheriff’s Actions… Dear Editor, Regarding the article in the Daily Bee on April 14, 2016, I would ask simply that our current Sheriff Daryl Wheeler address the issue of his undersheriff in a public manner. First, all deputies are sworn to uphold the law and to protect the citizens of Bonner County. Since, your ...
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