Category: Opinion



By Alexandra Iosub
Reader Contributor

I feel like there’s a powerful social taboo in place that makes it difficult for Americans to talk about money in a productive way. At …

Misophonia: The rage is real

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Affection can be expressed by holding hands, offering a kind word or leaving a sweet note on the countertop.

My personal favorite act of affection …

Sorting scientific facts from fiction

By Gabrielle Deubendorfer
Reader Contributor

I recently had a delightful meeting with somebody who had genuine doubts about climate change. Having seen the impact of the Deep Water Horizon oil …


By Daniel C. Radford
Reader Contributor

Idaho has a new political force on hand, Reclaim Idaho. And it looks like it’s making the elites upset. After we, the people, voted …


  • Rambo and the 2nd Amendment… Dear Editor: J. Koons responded to S. Hogue who responded to Mr. White regarding the Second Amendment. Mr. Koons stated a desire to make downtown Sandpoint “firearm-free” then condemned Idaho Legislature, implying they are insane for supporting our Second Amendment right to bear arms, as well as attempting to degrade gun ...
  • PFLAG Sandpoint… Dear Editor; On Sept 8 I picked up a copy of the Reader. I came home with the express purpose of reading the feature; as I had previously spoken to Jim Healey; I am the president of PFLAG Sandpoint. After speaking to Jim about the need for getting the word out ...
  • Firearm Free Sandpoint… Dear Editor, In response to Chris White’s liberal diatribe (according to Samuel Hogue), my take, if you live in such an insecure world that you have to arm yourself to feel safe, I suggest that you move somewhere else. Try Sweden, England, Germany or any number of countries (Canada? Maybe Antarctica) ...
  • State Not Funding Schools… Now that the $55M LPOSD levy has failed, one question remains: Why is the state not funding our school facilities? In years past, school funding was primarily a property tax-based system. Due to the small population of Idaho, the funding base was unable to meet the needs of school districts. In 1988, ...
  • GPS Inconsistencies… Dear Editor, Brenden Bobby gets it right when he says “GPS stands for Global Positioning System,” (“Mad About Science,” September 1, 2016), but after that his article is riddled with serious errors: The satellites are not geosynchronous; they do not “stay put;” they don’t have to be within line-of-sight of each ...
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