Category: Opinion



By Alexandra Iosub
Reader Contributor

I feel like there’s a powerful social taboo in place that makes it difficult for Americans to talk about money in a productive way. At …

Misophonia: The rage is real

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

Affection can be expressed by holding hands, offering a kind word or leaving a sweet note on the countertop.

My personal favorite act of affection …

Sorting scientific facts from fiction

By Gabrielle Deubendorfer
Reader Contributor

I recently had a delightful meeting with somebody who had genuine doubts about climate change. Having seen the impact of the Deep Water Horizon oil …


By Daniel C. Radford
Reader Contributor

Idaho has a new political force on hand, Reclaim Idaho. And it looks like it’s making the elites upset. After we, the people, voted …


  • Class Act… Editor’s Note: This letter was sent to Barack and Michelle Obama by a Sagle resident, who also wished for it to be a letter to the editor in the Reader: Dear President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, I’m 81 years old and live in Sagle, Idaho, with my husband. I just ...
  • Torture is Never Okay… Dear Editor, Last Monday, on network TV news, I heard the president of the United States condoning TORTURE. I have never been so heartsick for my country. My God, I can’t find the right words for the response demanded by this situation. Certain images keep coming up—that’s all I can put out ...
  • Celebrities… Dear Editor, Just a short reply to Mr. Birnbaum’s “Irony” letter from Jan. 26. Mr. Birnbaum, I will agree with you that President Trump is a celebrity, although I consider him more of a blue collar billionaire. Where I disagree with you in my opinion is that President Trump won the election not because ...
  • You Are Not Alone… Dear Editor and Mindy Cameron, I was deeply moved by Mindy Cameron’s article in the Opinion section of the Jan. 26 Reader. Even though I was in Idaho during the disappointing and shocking inauguration, my feelings and response leading up to Jan. 21 were very similar to Mindy’s. I remember going ...
  • Wilderness Will Not Ban Guns… Dear Editor, In answer to the young man who asked about carrying firearms in wilderness, yes, you did miss something. The Code of Federal Regulations is a lot like a textbook. If you only read one phrase out of context, you may misunderstand the entire chapter. Title 36 has a lot ...
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