Category: Opinion


Camp Bay beach giveaway disputed

By Susan Drumheller
Reader Contributor

Whether 50 feet of shoreline in Camp Bay stays open to the public is scheduled to be decided by the Bonner County commissioners on Wednesday, …

The best vacation ever

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

For the first time in what feels like years — and probably is years — I came to work on Monday feeling relaxed and rested. …

On losing teeth

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

Among the greatest joys of moonlighting as a paraprofessional teacher for part of the week is remembering what it was like to be a kid.…

Housing market storm warnings

By Raphael Barta
Reader Contributor

As we head into 2022, everyone from housing analysts, mortgage lenders, real estate agents, buyers and sellers are wondering: When will there be a return …

The snow that binds us together

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Last week’s snowstorms felt like traveling back in time — back to Old Sandpoint, when events like that would occur a half dozen times throughout …


  • Chill Out… Dear Editor, Regarding L.A. Times reporter Steven Borowiec tweeting the following: “I’d Rather See Donald Trump’s life end.” ( by Mark Swanson, Thursday, 03 Nov 2016 11:39 AM). He later apologized. And you know what? I accept this far left Democrat’s apology. I seriously doubt that he meant an act of violence should be ...
  • Defying Racism Takes Courage… Dear Ben Olson and Cameron Rasmusson, Though at times I have disagreed with the tone of some of your responses to persons who have written to the editor on various subjects, I want to thank both of you for discussing and standing up to racism in our community. It took courage ...
  • Understanding Makes the World Better… Dear Editor, I am submitting this letter from my own personal email, on my own personal time. This is not a reflection of anyone else’s thoughts, just me. I’m writing to talk about my morning after the election, and the way some people conducted themselves in the wake of it on ...
  • Is it Fair to Hate Trump…? Dear Editor, After being programmed by biased news reporting, it’s really no surprise that so many people hate president-elect Trump. It’s my opinion that most of this hatred is a result of mainstream media editing some of Trumps statements and purposely omitting key facts. Example: The mainstream press has often stated that ...
  • Leave the Country… Dear Editor, Let me make it perfectly clear that I happily voted DJT. My reasoning? I wanted no more Clintons and no more Bushes in the White House. No matter how you voted it is a truism that every cloud has a silver lining, and this election is proof. The bright spot(s)? ...
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