Category: Opinion


Camp Bay beach giveaway disputed

By Susan Drumheller
Reader Contributor

Whether 50 feet of shoreline in Camp Bay stays open to the public is scheduled to be decided by the Bonner County commissioners on Wednesday, …

The best vacation ever

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

For the first time in what feels like years — and probably is years — I came to work on Monday feeling relaxed and rested. …

On losing teeth

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

Among the greatest joys of moonlighting as a paraprofessional teacher for part of the week is remembering what it was like to be a kid.…

Housing market storm warnings

By Raphael Barta
Reader Contributor

As we head into 2022, everyone from housing analysts, mortgage lenders, real estate agents, buyers and sellers are wondering: When will there be a return …

The snow that binds us together

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Last week’s snowstorms felt like traveling back in time — back to Old Sandpoint, when events like that would occur a half dozen times throughout …


  • No need for robo call… Dear Editor, I received a robo call attacking Shelby Rognstad, candidate for mayor of Sandpoint. This call is a new low in bottom feeding. It deals in fear, hatred, ignorance and prejudice. It scapegoats low-income people and African-Americans. Besides being racist, it is homophobic and denigrates women. I encourage this newspaper to continue ...
  • Phone slander… Dear Editor, Today I received a phone message slandering and speaking disrespectfully towards Shelby Rognstad for mayor. I am feeling sad, disappointed and angry to see something like this happen in our community. It’s not even remotely possible to take a phone call and message like this seriously because there wasn’t a ...
  • Abortions… Dear Editor, In the late 70s I would exaggerate my anti-abortion position by telling my pro-abortion friends that I thought there should be abortions up to the age of seven because you should know by then if you want to keep or not. Then I would tell ‘em that ...
  • Anti-Vaccination advocate speaks out… Dear Editor, In regards to Harrison Berry’s story from last week’s Reader; I am in the good company of the autonomous 20.6% of Bonner County parents. The philosophy I wrote on the vaccine exemption form was based on the age old wisdom, “if it aint broke, don’t fix it.” The irony is that ...
  • Vaccination woes… Dear Editor, Formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, baby fetal tissue and monkey kidney are some ingredients in vaccines. Ingredient side effects may cause autoimmune and neurological disorders, cancer and death per vaccine inserts. 1950-60s people had two vaccines, 1980s children received ten injections. Today, children receive 53 by age five! Articles such as Harrison ...
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