Category: Opinion


‘Idaho nice’

By Dick Sonnichsen
Reader Contributor

A friend of mine from Minnesota brags about the friendliness of the people of his state, a concept the inhabitants call “Minnesota Nice.” “Minnesota Nice” …

River daze

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Every once in a while, as life stacks up a bit too high, the river calls. I dream of long days in the canoe, drifting …

The wedding singer

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

I’ve played music at some interesting places in the dozen years I’ve been in a band. Once I played atop the freezers in Winter Ridge, …

On restaurant work

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

I’ve found no greater sense of kinship in this world than while sitting at a restaurant bar on a Saturday night in summer, surrounded by …

Emboldened haters not welcome

By Nishelle Gonzales
Reader Contributor

Owning a handyman and contracting company has been a great way to interact and learn about our diverse local community. We get to assist everyone …


  • Wanting clarity from Avista… Dear Editor, Avista is increasing electric rates for North Idaho, saying it’s to “cover costs accumulated in 2016.” However, another testimony claims it’s planning to spend $24.2 million between 2017 and 2019 on additions to Colstrip, a coal-fired power plant in Montana. So, which is it? And what is being “added” ...
  • Deepest Gratitude… Dear Editor, Ninety years of entertaining Sandpoint was highlighted last Saturday by a very talented crew, a handful of staff and volunteers and enjoyed by a special audience of those reminiscing and celebrating the evening. The celebration started with a special art show reception in the Panida Little Theatre with art ...
  • Gun Laws Do Save Lives… Dear Editor, The gun lobby and its followers claim that laws designed to stop gun violence fail -- even in the recent wake of two white Americans using automatic rifles slaughtering 84 citizens and injuring hundreds more. Turn to Australia (a country with a similar gun culture)  which in 1996, after a ...
  • The Tip of the Iceberg… Dear Editor, With Republicans in control of the House and Senate and Trump in the White House, you would think Congress could manage to pass some of their wish-list legislation. Yet, it’s difficult to see any constructive success, aside from: failed attempts at dismantling health care and threats to abolish Social ...
  • NFL Players… Dear Editor, As a veteran who risked his life for our country, I don’t believe that those NFL players taking a knee or banding together during the playing of our national anthem are being disrespectful of our flag. They are exercising their First Amendment rights to peacefully protest issues — a right ...
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