Category: Opinion


‘Idaho nice’

By Dick Sonnichsen
Reader Contributor

A friend of mine from Minnesota brags about the friendliness of the people of his state, a concept the inhabitants call “Minnesota Nice.” “Minnesota Nice” …

River daze

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Every once in a while, as life stacks up a bit too high, the river calls. I dream of long days in the canoe, drifting …

The wedding singer

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

I’ve played music at some interesting places in the dozen years I’ve been in a band. Once I played atop the freezers in Winter Ridge, …

On restaurant work

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

I’ve found no greater sense of kinship in this world than while sitting at a restaurant bar on a Saturday night in summer, surrounded by …

Emboldened haters not welcome

By Nishelle Gonzales
Reader Contributor

Owning a handyman and contracting company has been a great way to interact and learn about our diverse local community. We get to assist everyone …


  • Disturbing Situation… Dear Editor, The article (Reader 8/25) on the loaded handgun left behind at Foster’s Crossing is disturbing on several levels. A mother of several children was the first to find the loaded handgun. What if one of her children were the first to find the handgun? What if someone from ISIS ...
  • Ignore the Ignorant… Dear Editor, Hey Ben, there are worse things than being called a “liberal rag.” In fact you might want to wear that as badge of courage here in God’s Country. I notice no one ever complains about your coverage of news, only clearly marked “opinion” pieces, and that is as it ...
  • 97% vs. 3%… Dear Editor, Suppose your child calls and tells you that your grandchild is very sick and they have taken your grandchild to 100 doctors who specialize in dealing with your grandchild’s symptoms. Ninety-seven of the specialists come up with the identical diagnosis and recommend that the only way to save your ...
  • Disturbing the Peace…   Dear Editor, It seems the rights of our citizens, and the citizens right to peace, have been bumping heads lately. Two issues have cropped up lately that unsettled my otherwise peaceful day. First, when the pro-life people strap megaphones to their chests and audibly dominate the Farmers’ Market, are they not disturbing ...
  • To Idaho Lawmakers… An open letter to Idaho state legislators: Once again, you spent your time and citizens’ tax dollars to pass laws that make sense and help Idaho operate more efficiently. Our July 1 local newspaper detailed six new laws that were effective as of that date. One I found particularly interesting: ...
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