Category: Opinion


‘Idaho nice’

By Dick Sonnichsen
Reader Contributor

A friend of mine from Minnesota brags about the friendliness of the people of his state, a concept the inhabitants call “Minnesota Nice.” “Minnesota Nice” …

River daze

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Every once in a while, as life stacks up a bit too high, the river calls. I dream of long days in the canoe, drifting …

The wedding singer

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

I’ve played music at some interesting places in the dozen years I’ve been in a band. Once I played atop the freezers in Winter Ridge, …

On restaurant work

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

I’ve found no greater sense of kinship in this world than while sitting at a restaurant bar on a Saturday night in summer, surrounded by …

Emboldened haters not welcome

By Nishelle Gonzales
Reader Contributor

Owning a handyman and contracting company has been a great way to interact and learn about our diverse local community. We get to assist everyone …


  • Reinvent the Fourth… Dear Editor, In response to the "Loud Tradition" letter written by Charlotte Wright: Thank you, Charlotte, for bringing attention to many important issues, especially those concerning our Native Americans who we should be thanking instead of neglecting. Do we have to continue to scare our animals into a panic or jeopardize our ...
  • Name-calling… In June 20th's Reader, Nick Geir stated on page 4: "A clueless Donald Trump tweeted, 'What sport is he talking about?'" then he stated, "he must have forgotten…" (about Muhammad Ali). Iíve studied verbal abuse extensively over the past few years. Name-calling (ìcluelessî) is obvious overt verbal abuse, but it is ...
  • County Meeting… Dear Editor, As you know, the Bonner County Commissioners have been making changes to land use codes at such a rapid rate it is difficult to keep up.  Regardless of how one feels about the changes, it is true that the process has not been transparent, inclusive or undergone a standard ...
  • Loud Tradition… Dear Editor, My new least favorite holiday is the Fourth of July. I am in the food service industry, so I didn't get the day off. I was sooooo tired, and ready for bed at 9 p.m., because 6:30 a.m. is when I needed to start my next day. As soon ...
  • Suburbanization… Dear Editor, What is the rush to suburbanize our rural county through a process that holds one public hearing at 2 p.m. on a weekday afternoon in the city of Sandpoint? The people of Bonner County need to think long and hard about hacking the land into ever-smaller pieces, a large percentage ...
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