Garden Corner: Fall garden chores
By Dan Eskelson
Reader Columnist
The recent cool temperatures and welcome rains suggest the end of summer; I know many are saddened by the change, but I will not miss …
By Dan Eskelson
Reader Columnist
The recent cool temperatures and welcome rains suggest the end of summer; I know many are saddened by the change, but I will not miss …
By Scout Anatricia
Reader Intern
The tears in our eyes aren’t just from the smoke (thankfully gone from our skies). They are the bittersweet tears caused by the sound of …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
At Tea Party gatherings pocket Constitutions are handed out as eagerly as the Gideons distribute New Testaments on my campus every year. The message is …
By Jodi Rawson
Reader Contributor
“The farmer ought to get the benefit of the present high cost of the things he produces. We ought also to help the consumer by …
By Louie de Palma
Reader Road Warrior
People love to make the argument that the “L word” is thrown around too casually these days. I disagree wholeheartedly. I think the …
Last week, the Confederate flag controversy reignited after Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, posted a photo of her posing next to the Confederate flag at Timber Days in Priest River. We …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
When we were children, we played an odd summertime game. We’d sit in the front yard of my grandparents’ trailer house/cabin within view of the …
By Dan Eskelson
Reader Columnist
Every garden season brings new insights and knowledge, so I hesitate to call myself a “master gardener”. Presumed expertise is often shocked into submission by …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
About 500 protesters (including 30 counter demonstrators) gathered near the office of Planned Parenthood in Pullman, Washington on last Saturday morning. Those who were interviewed …
By Ted Bowers
Reader Columnist
In my last article I wrote about safety and what we can do to prevent accidents and injuries. My wife pointed out after reading it …
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