The Toad Highway and Troy Mine Site
By Kathleen Clayton
Reader Contributor
They’re green or brown and covered by warts. They have bulging eyes with horizontal slits. And heck, they don’t even hop. Even so, the western …
By Kathleen Clayton
Reader Contributor
They’re green or brown and covered by warts. They have bulging eyes with horizontal slits. And heck, they don’t even hop. Even so, the western …
By Christian Rose
Reader Contributor
For much of my life I never felt particularly obligated nor overly inclined to stand and salute the flag during the national anthem. I did …
By Eric Grace
Reader Contributor
After 50 years of carefully tending the land with her late husband, Barney, Bonner County resident Lois Blasko has established a conservation easement over her …
By Al Van Vooren
Reader Contributor
In the exchange of letters and public debate about the proposed Scotchman’s Peak Wilderness it has been asserted that the ability to “manage wildlife” …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
Our Sanctuary Cities have a Sacred History
By Nick Gier
Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for
one of the least of …
By Jim Healey
Reader Contributor
Hate-filled fliers left in citizens’ driveways here in Bonner County. A peace flag ripped down from a local’s front porch here in Bonner County. Racist …
By Justin Hayes
Reader Contributor
When you flush your toilet, the contents don’t magically disappear. Sewage gets cleaned at a sewage treatment plant operated by your city and then discharged …
By Marjolein Groot Nibbelink
Reader Contributor
A solitary friend and I spent a week in a cabin in Covelo, Calif., speaking of astrophysics while I was cross referencing Bill Bryson’s …
By Michael Jacobson
Reader Contributor
In March 1991 unsettling photos of C-130 military cargo planes laden with flag draped coffins filled the news media.
We were in Afghanistan.
Prior to …
By Bill Harp
Reader Columnist
Why AR? So, if augmented reality (AR) is not on your technology radar, I would like to change that. A few months ago, one of …
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