Tickets for An Evening with Jim Messina go on sale Feb. 21

By Reader Staff

Jim Messina. Photo by George Bekris

Tickets for An Evening with Jim Messina go on sale Friday, Feb. 21 at 10 a.m. at The concert will take place on May 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Panida Theater (300 N. First Ave.), and tickets are reserved seating.

The last time Messina and his band came to the Panida two years ago, the show sold out within a few days and another show could not be added. Now he is fulfilling his promise to return.

Tickets for the concert start at $42 for orchestra seats. There are balcony love seats that accommodate two people for $86. There are also 24 up-front VIP tickets for $99. VIP ticket holders also get to meet with Messina after the show, as well as participate in “A Conversation With Jim Messina.” 

This show highlights Messina’s decades-spanning musical career and includes three groups: Buffalo Springfield, Poco, and Loggins and Messina. Messina was the producer and audio engineer for Buffalo Springfield, as well as a founding member of the group Poco. Then Messina and Kenny Loggins became the duo that sold more than 20 million albums and released hits like, “Danny’s Song,” “Your Mama Don’t Dance,” “House on Pooh Corner” and “Listen to a Country Song.”

Listen at and purchase tickets at

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