Boaters: It’s a big year for debris
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County Sheriff’s Deputy Rob Danno can describe this year’s waterway debris situation in a single word: “Problematic.”
“There’s an unusual amount of debris in …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County Sheriff’s Deputy Rob Danno can describe this year’s waterway debris situation in a single word: “Problematic.”
“There’s an unusual amount of debris in …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Two citizen groups have filed a lawsuit in regard to the sale of land from Pend Oreille County and the Pend Oreille Public Utility District …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Sheriff’s Office is facing a lawsuit from the widow of a man fatally shot by deputies last year.
The Idaho Statesman reports …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Lake Pend Oreille peaked at 2,064.2 feet on Wednesday, May 30, and then quickly dropped below summer operating level (between 2,062 and 2,062.5 feet) as …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
The Schweitzer Cutoff Roundabout will get an aesthetic upgrade by next June following the city’s recent approval of a public art proposal.
The approved artwork, …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney Barry McHugh announced this week that Sandpoint Police officers Michael Hutter and Eric Clark used appropriate force in a March shooting.…
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Contributor
Those in favor of the proposed merger of Avista Utilities and Toronto, Canada-based Hydro One tout the $5.2 billion deal as an economy of scale …
By Reader Staff
There will be a representative from the Bonner County Veterans Service Office visiting Clark Fork on Tuesday, June 19.
The representative will be on hand to answer …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The Northwest River Forecast Center predicts Lake Pend Oreille water levels will go down from here, as the lake hovered just over 2,064 feet since …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents to be wary of calls claiming to be from one of its deputies.
According to a sheriff’s …
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