What’s happening with parking at City Beach?
By Jason Welker
Reader Contributor
Recent op-eds have accused the city of Sandpoint of “privatizing” City Beach and making it less accessible to the public through a proposed paid parking …
By Jason Welker
Reader Contributor
Recent op-eds have accused the city of Sandpoint of “privatizing” City Beach and making it less accessible to the public through a proposed paid parking …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Fairgrounds hosts its two-day Christmas Craft Fair, plus the fifth annual Gingerbread House Contest, Saturday, Nov. 18 through Sunday, Nov. 19. Nearly …
By Reader Staff
Sandpoint Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces will be offering the following programming during the remainder of August and September of 2023.
• Game night with the Lions …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
If you enjoy the Fourth of July festivities that take place every year, it’s always helpful to give credit to an organization that has been …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Like fireworks? Parades? Toys for tots? The annual Easter Egg hunt? Thank the Lions Club.
The Sandpoint charter of the Lions Club has been …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
America has generated its fair share of heroes over its history; individuals who deserve celebration.
It’s not just the frequently-praised individuals either—the great historic figures …
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