Reader Quick Hits: May 12, 2020

  • Idaho public health officials added 33 cases of COVID-19 to the state total May 12, bringing the number of cases — including confirmed and probable since mid-March — to 2,293. Since the first cases were reported March 13, 69 Idahoans have died from causes attributed to COVID-19. Follow state reports, which update daily at 5 p.m. (Mountain), here.
  • People around the state are gearing up to reopen more portions of the economy, as Phase 2 of Gov. Brad Little’s “Idaho Rebounds” plan is set to begin Friday, May 16. Though still required to maintain certain public health and safety precautions, businesses such as restaurants, hair salons, gyms and senior living facilities will be allowed to accept walk-in customers and visitors. (See the details of the plan here). Meanwhile, in neighboring Washington, the death toll related to COVID-19 is nearing 1,000, with 17 deaths reported on May 12 alone, bringing the total to 962. The state reported 208 new cases on Tuesday. Spokane County has recorded 385 confirmed cases and counted 29 deaths. Follow Washington’s reporting here.
  • A new poll finds 79.3% of Idahoans approve of Gov. Little’s phased reopening of the economy. That’s according to numbers gathered by Boise-based GS Strategy Group, which last week conducted the poll on behalf of business lobby group Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry. The poll also found 75.5% of residents approve of Little’s handling of the pandemic. Read more here.
  • Construction work in the downtown Sandpoint core will be “substantially complete” by Thursday, May 14, according to a news release from the city of Sandpoint. Some additional work remains, including unanticipated reconstruction related to an existing void beneath the eastern sidewalk at First Avenue and Church Street. The entire project, which began in fall 2019, is on track to be finished by June 1. Read more about the project here.

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