Proud: Third annual Sandpoint Pride Festival aims to celebrate ‘Liberation for Every Body’

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

Since its 2021 inception, the Sandpoint Pride Festival has only grown in scope and support, now launching into its third year as a summer staple advocating for the local LGBT+ community and its allies.

This year, the rainbow-bedecked celebration will take over the Granary Arts District on Friday, July 14 and Saturday, July 15 with various speakers, performers and dance parties planned over the two-day event.

Photo taken by Racheal Baker at the 2022 Pride Festival in Sandpoint.

According to organizers, the Sandpoint Pride Festival is meant to “affirm the equality and dignity of [the] LGBTQ2S community, to acknowledge and appreciate their contributions to society, and to inspire engagement with and support for the ongoing movement to secure the rights, freedom and safety of queer and trans individuals.”

“The community effort behind the making of the third annual Sandpoint Pride Festival is deeper than ever,” said Sandpoint Pride Chair Andrea Marcoccio. “From volunteerism and partnerships to art and performances, Friday and Saturday will be a true reflection of Sandpoint’s core values: love and kindness.”

The 2023 event theme is “Liberation for Every Body,” which is attached to a logo designed by Sandpoint artist Nellie Lutzwolf. According to organizers: “Nellie was inspired by the concept of bodily autonomy — that everybody deserves to be free from oppression and exist safely within their own bodies. The message is intended to be empowering and encourage resilience.”

The logo, which features a sculpturesque figure of a headless human body, “is intentionally androgynous, erasing the binary,” organizers stated.

Leaning into that theme will be Friday night Pride presenters Pro-Voice Project — a local group committed to collecting and sharing stories of women’s reproductive rights. Gates will open at 5 p.m., with a keynote address from Idaho political activist and TikTok influencer @socialistlyawkward to follow at 6 p.m. Rounding out Friday night Pride will be a “secret” musical performance by “Sandpoint’s favorite look-alike duo” and a silent disco at 8:30 p.m., during which dancers will each tune into provided headphones and choose a channel to inspire their groove.

Saturday will consist of Sandpoint’s signature all-day, all-ages Pride event, featuring booths from more than 20 community organizations, a bounce house, crafts, food, beverages and more. Gates open at 2 p.m. with various speakers, music, spoken-word poetry, Pride attire contests and a drag show to follow. 

Photo taken by Racheal Baker at the 2022 Pride Festival in Sandpoint.

For the most detailed schedule, go to

“We will affirm the dignity of LGBTQ2S individuals, acknowledge and appreciate their role in our community, and spread joy together,” Marcoccio said.

2023 Sandpoint Pride Festival • Friday, July 14; 5-10 p.m.; Saturday, July 15; 2-10 p.m.; FREE. Granary Arts District, between Oak and Church streets near Sixth Avenue in Sandpoint,

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