Harvesting good times

Hickey Farms’ Harvest Festival is fun for the whole family

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Harvest is a special time in North Idaho. After a summer of toil and sweat, we finally reap what we’ve sown and enjoy the fruits of our labor. At Hickey Farms, harvest also means throwing a month-long party with their annual Harvest Festival.

Hickey Farms is great for kids. Courtesy photo.

The farm, located about seven miles east of Sandpoint on Hickey Road, features u-pick pumpkins, local crafts and produce, live music, a corn maze, tons of kids’ activities, food, drinks and more. The farm will greet visitors Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 p.m.-5:30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. throughout the month, starting on Saturday, Oct. 1 with “Family Day.” The last day will be Saturday, Oct. 29.

There is no charge to visit the farm. While hayrides and live music are free, patrons seeking pumpkins or to participate in kids’ activities will be charged a nominal fee.

Co-owner Dean Holt, whose farm has been in the family for four generations since 1923, said the farm produces more than 30 varieties of pumpkins each year — some ideal for baking, others multicolored and uniquely shaped, and others that are more traditional for carving Jack-o’-lanterns. Pumpkins are available on a u-pick system, in which customers load their finds onto wagons and pay by the pound. 

This year features more vendors and food options than previous years, with barbecue chicken and ribs by Bruno available from noon-4 p.m. on weekends or until gone. There is also live entertainment on weekends, with live music from noon-3 p.m. both days. Star the Magician will perform on Oct. 1 and Oct. 9.

The live music schedule is as follows:

Sat., Oct. 1: Chris Lynch and Lauren Kershner

Sun., Oct. 2: Harold’s IGA

Sat., Oct. 8: BTP

Sun., Oct. 9: Oak Street Connection

Sat., Oct. 15: The Other White Meat

Sun., Oct. 16: Miah Kohal

Sat., Oct. 22: BTP

Sun., Oct. 23: Brian Jacobs

Saturday, Oct. 29 will be the last day of the Harvest Festival and will feature the annual Crosstoberfest Bike Race all day, sponsored by Pend Oreille Pedalers.

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