Category: Opinion


Ben Olson is a degenerate

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Contributor

Dear Robo-Caller,

Let’s be clear: Ben Olson is a degenerate, as your recent robocall impugning him and the Sandpoint Reader put it. He’s much less …

The importance of choice

By McCalee Cain and McCale Ashenbrener
Reader Contributors

Editor’s Note: This Op-Ed was written from two perspectives – that of a mother and a daughter. The daughter McCalee was given

Bonner Dems urge Inslee to stop smelter

Sylvia Humes
Reader Contributor

With over 20,000 additional trucks and over 15,000 additional train cars moving through our communities every year, we recognize that the collective impacts of the proposed …


  • Kate for Idaho House… Dear Editor, Kate McAlister knows how to create new jobs, improve education, and help bring in vitally needed internet infrastructure that supports our needs. Kate has extensive experience collaborating with business, education and local government leaders. The incumbent, Heather Scott, seems fearful and holds extreme views. Believing that Sharia Law would somehow ...
  • Words to Live By… Dear Editor, There has been a lot of talk lately about the politics of this region, and I am writing in regard to what I have heard. First, I would like to address the fear-mongers among us. We are all part of the United States of America, whether you like it or ...
  • Lawsuit Shows Arrogant Attitude… Dear Editor, Just before Christmas 2015, years of work and thousands of hours of individual effort by people from all walks of life in northwest Montana came to fruition when the Kootenai Forest Stakeholders made a landmark agreement about land use on the Kootenai National Forest. The spectrum of participants was ...
  • Who Am I…? Dear Editor, My name is Natasha Ferris. I am Adam Ferris’ biological sister. I, too, am gay. Also trangender. I find this odd. Always have. However I love how none of these stories or articles mention one thing about me. Or who I was, or what part I played in Adam’s ...
  • Vote for Ken Meyers… Dear Editor, After growing up on a wheat farm in western Montana, Ken Meyers went on to become an educator and administrator at Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. His experience taught him that good things happen when you have a vision that improves people’s lives, and you move toward ...
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