Category: Opinion


How real estate shapes a community

By Raphael Barta
Reader Contributor

In a prior existence, I lived in Vancouver,  British Columbia, where I was a vice president for the ski resort development company Intrawest. At the …

Our turn: Together we can do better

By Mark Sauter
Reader Contributor

Last month the Bonner County Fire Chiefs Association (BCFCA) held three public forums. The BCFCA pointed out, in multiple, evidence-based ways, how Emergency Medical Services …

Engage Sandpoint: A missed opportunity

By David Phillips
Reader Contributor

Projects fail for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes the expectations are set too high; sometimes the allocated time or resources are insufficient; sometimes the tools …

City waterfront giveaway

By Kody Van Dyk
Special to the Reader

The city of Sandpoint draft Parks Master Plan identifies disposing of city-owned green space located east of the Edgewater Best Western Hotel. …

The Baloney Detective

By Tim Bearly
Reader Contributor

Images of an Orwellian dystopia are often evoked when we hear the term “big government.” The mere uttering of the phrase can function as a …

Touched by the change

By Robin Lantrip
Reader Contributor

It started with a brisk chill in the morning air. The meadow began dressing in longer birch and fir shadows. The evening scent held a …

Working toward civil discourse

By Brenda Hammond
Reader Contributor

The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force recently sent a questionnaire to all the candidates for city office, asking their positions on a number of …


  • Mesopotamian Cover Art…? Dear Editor, If I squint a little bit, the photo on the cover of the 12/14/2017 Reader looks like an overhead shot of the ruins of an ancient skateboard park. In Mesopotamia, perhaps. Rudi Lebowitz Sandpoint
  • Climate Change and Mr. Gifford… Dear Editor, Bonner County should feel privileged to know we have such an outstanding scholar in our midst to enlighten us. Cort Gifford has such a way with words — surely he has some published, peer-reviewed research he could share with us. Perhaps your doctoral dissertation from some accredited university. No? ...
  • Climate Change… Dear Editor, Please tell me exactly what you, as man-made climate change reversal believers, want everyone to do that will stop and reverse it now. What climate time do you want to return to? Do you want to go back 10 years, 20 years, 100 years or 1,000 years? One last ...
  • Harassment Training… Dear Editor, In a laughable attempt to mollify voters, it appears our honorable electeds in Congress may submit to sexual harassment training. Why? Seems like they’re pretty good at it already. God bless America, and God bless our military. Steve Brixen Sandpoint
  • Love Lives Here… Dear Editor, Friday night last, someone removed two of my front yard signs protesting oil and coal trains and deposited them flat on the yard across the street. He also removed a peace flag from the front porch and dropped it on the driveway. Let’s see: trespass, theft, destruction and littering. ...
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