Category: Opinion


‘You get the kind of mobility you invest in’

By Molly O’Reilly
Reader Contributor

The Idaho Transportation Department must be delighted that they finally have a Sandpoint administration, appointed and elected, willing to sacrifice community and residents for high-speed …

Not far from the tree

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

When I was younger and someone asked where I was from, I’d tell them I was born and raised right here in Sandpoint. They might …

Voices in the Wilderness

By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor

We gather around friends and families during the holiday season — frequently counting our many blessings. While we’re at it, let’s include wild places among …

In the hunt for a few more years

By Tim H. Henney
Reader Contributor

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” Those historic, heroic words were by British …

What the woolly worm told me

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

Everyone knows about the prognosticating powers of the groundhog, recognized each February when Punxutawney Phil does or does not see his shadow, indicating the remaining …


  • A Slippery Slope… Dear Editor, I see a very slippery slope to losing religious and philosophical medical exemptions for children whose parents have nothing to do with “faith healing.” It was tragic Swan lost her child, such as with any parents who loses a child. Meningitis is horrible, however there are no guarantees whether hospitalized ...
  • How to caucus for Bernie… Dear Editor, We are in the middle of selecting candidates for the November general election for President of the US. If you are an Independent or a Democrat you may be choosing between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. If you feel strongly for one of these candidates you MUST attend the ...
  • For the Children… Dear Editor, If you have ever volunteered in an elementary school or worked in a classroom you might be impressed with the responsibility on teachers these days. If you have not spent time in a classroom and you have elementary age kids and feel teachers are not doing enough then please ...
  • Support Bernie… Dear Editor, I support Bernie Sanders for the democratic nomination because of his compassion, truth telling and commitment. He tells the truth about the corruption and greed that runs our political system. He shows compassion to minorities, the poor, elderly, and veterans by demanding that the rich pay their fair share ...
  • Jazz… Dear Editor, I have to congratulate Tim Henney for his hilarious and satirical article “Miles and Me” as he did a marvelous job pretending to be a name dropping ego maniac run amuck (I wonder if I coulda pulled that off). BTW Tim, “Miles and Me” is also the title of a ...
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