Category: Opinion


Out of the trenches

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

I still remember when Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey joined our little family at the Reader. It was the summer of 2016 and I had received an …

Freedom for all people

By Barbara Russell
Reader Contributor

In 2009, the United Nations designated July 18 as Nelson Mandela International Day to shine a light on the legacy of the man born on …


  • Survivalist Realtor… Dear Editor, “Survivalist” Realtor Chris Walsh, in his two- page ad recently in area publications, believes that Donald Trump, “Realtor-in-chief,” would make things better for working Americans. He won’t if he treats them like the immigrants who helped build his Tower or the workers who built his casinos, refusing to pay ...
  • Vote Terry Ford… Dear Editor, Terry Ford is an honest, hard working, capable candidate for Bonner County Sheriff. He retired from the Idaho State Patrol and looks forward to elevating the morale and professionalism of the Sheriff’s department. Let’s avoid today’s extreme positions by electing Terry. He is a write-in candidate, so is is necessary ...
  • Beating a Dead Horse UPDATE: Yup, still dead…… Dear Editor, Ben Olson saw fit to title my Sept. 8 letter to the editor “Beating a Dead Horse…” (more about that later). In my letter I quoted part of Ben Olson’s hateful May 26 rant against me. I didn’t address a part of that rant which was: “Let me tell ...
  • Response to Uninformed… Dear Editor, Our Founding Fathers recognized that everyone is born with certain ‘inalienable’ rights. They then set about, as much as humanly possible, to design a system of government with a primary function to protect those inherent rights. Unfortunately, too many people today seem to think the government somehow came first ...
  • Transgender Issues… Dear Editor, Jim Healey got one thing right in his article about Adam Ferris; his death was indeed tragic. But that’s about all he gets right. It doesn’t take a mental health professional to see that Ferris was seriously depressed, confused, and likely suffering from attachment-related issues. That he was sick ...
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