Category: Opinion


A Few Thoughts … on Miracles

By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist

We’ve been arguing forever about how we became a species. True, some don’t argue. They just believe one way or another, or accept that they …

Grateful memories

‘Home’ is a moveable feast
By Zach Hagadone

Images of Thanksgiving — at least the idealized ones — are of tables loaded with food in cozy, home-feeling places that are …

Mike’s Corner: Holidays

By Mike Wagoner
Reader Contributor

You know how certain songs can get stuck in your head … maybe like … “Country Roads Take Me Home.” See … you just sang …

November surprise — Part 2

By Luke Omodt,
County Commissioner Dist. 3
Reader Contributor

On July 26, 2023, Sheriff Daryl Wheeler issued a public release incorrectly stating that the fairgrounds financial activity was to be …

November surprise — Part I

By Luke Omodt,
County Commissioner Dist. 3
Reader Contributor

On Oct. 30, 2023, Deputy Prosecutor Scott Bauer submitted a notice of tort claim asserting defamation against Bonner County Clerk Michael …


  • Legal Ethics… Dear Editor, I see the elected Bonner County prosecuting attorney has a letter to the editor over his official title, encouraging readers to vote for his favorite candidate to Idaho Supreme Court. Myself no legal beagle, I view this as crowding the legal and moral ethics of his office, never mind if ...
  • Needed: Heart Dear Editor, Historically and nationally, the two major American political parties, Democrat and Republican, are about equal in their ethics and morality, and lack thereof. Watergate (Nixon), Teapot Dome (Harding), and Iran-Contra (Reagan), three of the most infamous scandals in our history, say prominent, non-partisan historians, exploded during GOP administrations. Bill ...
  • Elect Hillary Clinton… Dear Editor, Hillary Clinton has been hounded and vilified by the hysterical right wing for over 25 years. With all the allegations and investigations against her, Hillary has not been found to engage in anything illegal. And news journalists, through superficial coverage, have played a role in a constant press theme ...
  • Vote McAlister… Dear Editor, There are clear difference between the candidates running for the State Representative in District 1 Position A. Kate McAlister has strong positive positions in areas that are very important to the constituents of District 1. Her opponent has taken pride in voting No on most all legislation that would ...
  • He’s Not a Democrat… Dear Editor, Although you will see Steve Tanner’s name under Democrat for the state senate seat, he is in fact a tea party conservative. For those of you who like to vote a straight party ticket, please skip over Tanner and instead vote for Shawn Keough. Sen. Keough has done a terrific ...
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