Thoughts Concerning Quantum Physics
By Philip A. Deutchman
Reader Contributor
In the Oct. 26 issue of the Reader, there was a column by Suzen Fiskin about the Science of Quantum Happiness.
The article …
By Philip A. Deutchman
Reader Contributor
In the Oct. 26 issue of the Reader, there was a column by Suzen Fiskin about the Science of Quantum Happiness.
The article …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columnist
Thanksgiving is upon us! Let the tryptophan-induced coma commence!
Well, we would, if it were a thing.
The tryptophan (an amino acid) isn’t what’s putting …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
What is a Millennial? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as … wait, wrong century. You’ve undoubtedly heard the …
By Mayor Shelby Rognstad
Reader Contributor
I want to thank everyone who came to the first “Lunch With the Mayor” at Cedar St. Bistro on the last Thursday in October. …
By A.C. Woolnough
Reader Columnist
Parkinson’s Disease is a thief. It is insidious. It is sneaky. It is destructive. It sneaks up unsuspected and does its best to diminish one’s …
By Ammi Midstokke
Reader Health Columnist
“Maybe I’ve got SAD,” I tell my mom as I whine about lethargy, lack of motivation, crying over pudding commercials, and a voracious appetite …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columnist
We’re back. I hope you’re ready to learn, or at least laugh at some sci-fail silliness.
Faster-than-light travel is a big offender in just about …
By Jeremy Grimm
Reader Contributor
Sandpoint has a historic opportunity to make sure the University of Idaho property on North Boyer Avenue remains a community asset that is open and …
By Scarlette Quille
Reader Columnist
It’s November – otherwise known as pre-Christmas or “the only time of year I go to a mall.”
I’m not a big holiday person. It’s …
By Nick Gier
Reader Contributor
George Will is one of our foremost conservative columnists. Except for some overly artful phrasing, he usually writes well-reasoned and evidence-based articles. His most …
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