Idaho re-enters Stage 4 of pandemic response
By Reader Staff
After nearly three months stuck in Stage 3 of its novel coronavirus pandemic response plan, also known as Idaho Rebounds, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare …
By Reader Staff
After nearly three months stuck in Stage 3 of its novel coronavirus pandemic response plan, also known as Idaho Rebounds, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
In a 60-day notice of intent released May 5, the Center for Biological Diversity, Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper and Idaho Conservation League notified parties responsible …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Perhaps it’s fitting that a holiday commemorating the commencement of a world-historical conflict should generate controversy. So it has been with Sandpoint’s traditional Fourth of …
By Reader Staff
Despite it being a year of historic tumult for the world in general, the Reader had a winning 2020 — at least as far as its reporting …
By Reader Staff
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ officials announced April 27 that the 2021 Albeni Falls Dam recreation season will begin Saturday, May 8 with the opening of Riley …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County voters will have the chance to vote on a special revenue bond on their May 18 ballot — a measure which would allow …
To help share candidates’ positions on the issues, the Reader offers an election guide for the upcoming May 18 election. What follows are brief biographical entries on each candidate and …
By Reader Staff
The Idaho Panhandle National Forests announced April 27 that Sandpoint District Ranger Jessie Berner had signed that final decision on the Buckskin Saddle Project — a more …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County commissioners approved a controversial zone change April 28 for 160 acres in the Hoodoo Valley, which would change the property from agricultural/forestry to …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The East Bonner County Library announced May 3 that it would be dropping its face covering requirement effective Tuesday, June 1. The policy has been …
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