Category: Humor

All hail President Trump:

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

Knee-deep into the presidential primary season, one name has dominated the national attention more than any other: Donald Trump. His seemingly unstoppable campaign shows no …

All the President’s (wo)Men

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

It’s hard to think of a more awkward holiday pairing than Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day.

The collision of presidential birthdays and Valentine’s liturgical feast …

Weird Amazon II:

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

The last time we peered into the abyss of Weird Amazon, it was the Christmas season, a time of innocence. The ground was covered in …

Taxi Tales:

By Louie de Palma
Reader Road Warrior

Two days into the new year I find myself parked at the Dairy Depot drive-through while a very belligerent customer of mine loudly …

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