Our coffee cup runneth over

Evans Brothers Coffee celebrates 15 years with throwback party

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

One of Sandpoint’s favorite community gathering spaces, Evans Brothers Coffee, will swing open its doors Saturday, Sept. 28 for a 15th-anniversary party — and everyone’s invited. The free celebrations begin at 5 p.m. at 524 Church St. with live music, food and drink from businesses and artists who have supported the coffee house since the beginning.

“We have been known for our big community parties over the years, although we don’t hold them as often as we used to,” said Rick Evans, who founded the coffee house with his brother, Randy. “We are calling this a ‘throwback’ because we are bringing in some of the DJs and bands that have played here since our parties in the first few years.”

Though Rick and Randy chose the “throwback” theme in reminiscence of the past 15 years, partygoers can look back further than 2009 for inspiration.

Evans Brothers employees after drinking every last cup of coffee in the building. Photo by Racheal Baker.

“People are encouraged to dress festively — ’70s, ’80s, ’90s or whatever era they want to bring back,” Rick said.

Be sure to arrive at 5 p.m. to hear singer-songwriter Buster Brown perform on the outdoor stage and be one of only a hundred to take home a commemorative tumbler. Multi-genre artists Matt Donahue & Friends and The Headwaters will follow until 8 p.m., when the celebration moves inside for a dance party catered toward adults.

Biobeat, DJ Frost Freeze and DJ Mercury will keep the party going well into the night. Jupiter Jane and Eichardt’s Pub will have food and drink available for purchase.

Preparing for the celebration has given the Evans brothers a chance to reflect on their business’ growth over the past 15 years and to look to the future they hope to build.

“Over these years, we have gotten more and more clear on what is most important to us, and that’s creating a culture of connection and inclusion — a feeling of being welcome and important,” said Rick.

National institutions have recognized this commitment, which is why Evans Brothers is currently in the running for USA Today’s Best Independent Coffee House. Support this local landmark by voting daily through Sunday, Oct. 6 at bit.ly/EvansBrosUSAToday and help the coffee house add another accolade to its résumé.

Evans Brothers is already the recipient of four Good Food awards, which recognize responsible practices, community involvement, and delicious food and drink.

“We want to spread the message that each person is important, different viewpoints are OK and that every one of us is worthy of kindness, love and respect,” said Rick. “Rather than complain about new people moving to our town, we want to open our arms and welcome them.

“Most of us are here for the same reasons; we love the community that Sandpoint offers — the beautiful surroundings, the outdoor and adventurous lifestyle, the family environment,” he added. “If this is why you moved here, I say, ‘Welcome to your new home!’”

For more information, visit evansbrotherscoffee.com.

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