By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Headlines have appeared across the country and even run overseas, detailing the allegations that 64-year-old Sandpoint man Warren Jones Crazybull made as many as nine threatening calls to former-President Donald Trump and is currently incarcerated awaiting trial.
According to numerous reports — citing unidentified “court documents” — Crazybull called Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida with statements promising violence, as well as made a number of social media posts stating that he would “take him [Trump] down to single combat,” and, “I’m coming for you.”

A screenshot from a video posted to Facebook in which Warren Jones Crazybull made threats to former-President Donald Trump.
Reports also stated that Crazybull spoke of plans to find Trump at his private Bedminster golf club in New Jersey and “down him personally and kill him.”
Crazybull made other statements on social media, including that he’d been instructed by “heaven” and former-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to assassinate Trump in order to stop him from succeeding in his 2024 presidential election bid. Crazybull also called for the killing of “John John Kennedy Jr.,” despite the fact that the son of late-President John F. Kennedy died in a small-engine air crash in 1999; claimed that a “god particle” had been released; and the younger Kennedy and Trump had detonated nuclear weapons “apparently downstairs.”
In addition, Crazybull stated that he “owned” the Black Hills of South Dakota as a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and decried treaty violations.
Though the news of Crazybull’s threats, arrest and indictment didn’t break until Sept. 23, the U.S. Secret Service arrested Crazybull in Missoula, Mont. on Aug. 1 after tracking his location through cell phone data. He was indicted in Idaho District Court on Aug. 20 and pleaded not guilty to a count of making threats against a former president. If found guilty, he could face up to five years in prison and fines, or both, according to reports.
The Reader was able to locate court records dated Aug. 1 and Aug. 20 in Idaho District Court, as well as Aug. 2 in Montana District Court, but was unable to obtain them by press time.
According to media reports, Crazybull is in custody at the Kootenai County Jail on a hold by the U.S. Marshal’s Office, with a trial scheduled for Monday, Oct. 28.
The phone calls to Mar-a-Lago allegedly took place on July 31 — a little more than two weeks after the attempted assassination of Trump at a July 13 rally in Pennsylvania, which left the former president with a grazing wound to his right ear. One rally attendee was killed and two others wounded. The suspect in that incident — 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks — was killed by security officers at the scene.
A second assassination attempt was foiled by Secret Service agents on Sept. 16, when 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, of Hawaii, was found hiding in the brush with supplies and a rifle near Trump as he was golfing at his course in West Palm Beach, Fla. Agents fired on Routh, who fled but was arrested soon after.
Charges for Routh are still being formulated, according to a Sept. 23 report from the Associated Press, but could rise to life in prison if convicted of attempting to “assassinate a major political candidate.”
Media sources around the country have reported that Crazybull told arresting officers that he had received past psychiatric care, and a Secret Service report indicated that he “appeared as if his thought processes were racing and confused,” and “seemed paranoid.”
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