Winter parking restrictions in effect on Sandpoint streets

By Reader

Winter parking restrictions on Sandpoint streets went into effect Dec. 1 and will run through March 1, 2025.

The restrictions are intended to support snow removal efforts throughout the season, prohibiting parking on the odd-numbered side of city-wide streets — unless posted otherwise — and no parking will be allowed on either side of the street on emergency routes, as posted. Parking vehicles within cul-de-sacs is also restricted, as posted. 

Snow must be cleared from vehicles parked on the street within 24 hours, and residents will also be required to remove snow from their sidewalks within 24 hours of two inches of accumulation. In addition to sidewalks, ADA ramps, mailboxes and fire hydrants must all be kept clear of ice and snow.

Once the snow starts to pile up, crews will plow based on priority routes, with first priority including major residential thoroughfares like Boyer, Ella, Olive, Division and South Lincoln avenues; Larch, Cedar, Pine and Ontario streets; Schweitzer Cutoff Road, Woodland Drive and Great Northern Road; as well as a number of surface streets in north and south Sandpoint. 

Emergency snow routes are also first priority and coincide with the most heavily used city streets. Second priority routes are the remainder of residential streets, while third-priority will be centered on the downtown core.

For more information on the city’s snow removal policy — including a detailed map of priority snow plowing routes — go to

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