‘Not My President’s Day’ protest in Sandpoint
By Zach Hagadone
Thousands of people gathered in all 50 states Feb. 17 to demonstrate against President Donald Trump in a series of “Not My President’s Day” protests. That included …
By Zach Hagadone
Thousands of people gathered in all 50 states Feb. 17 to demonstrate against President Donald Trump in a series of “Not My President’s Day” protests. That included …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
The Trump administration walked back a temporary pause on a swath of federal loans and grants Jan. 29, adding a coda to more than 24 …
By Kyle Dunphey
Utah News Dispatch
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Jan. 13 that it will not hear Utah’s sweeping public lands lawsuit, in which the state argued it should …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Big things were happening in the eighth and ninth millennia B.C.E. Archaeologists and anthropologists generally agree that the period saw the beginnings of agriculture, the …
By Reader Staff
What started as a highway construction project in Boundary County has resulted in archaeological findings that have the potential to rewrite the earliest history of human habitation …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
The 2024 general election was historic by every measure. Former-President Donald Trump won both the popular and Electoral College vote, besting Democratic Vice President Kamala …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Headlines have appeared across the country and even run overseas, detailing the allegations that 64-year-old Sandpoint man Warren Jones Crazybull made as many as nine …
By Daniel Walters
Nearly two years ago, police in North Idaho had the leader of America’s largest white nationalist group and 30 of his followers unmasked, zip-tied and in …
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