The Sandpoint Eater
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
Last week, I was in San Diego and discovered that Little Italy covers 48 square blocks, making it the largest Little Italy community in the …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
Last week, I was in San Diego and discovered that Little Italy covers 48 square blocks, making it the largest Little Italy community in the …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
I can’t stop with the shopping. My larder overflows with Thanksgiving dinner ingredients and Christmas baking supplies. I’m so grateful to have money to buy …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
I have yet to buy a tomato all summer long. Lucky for me, there’s no need. I have longtime, lovely neighbors on either side of …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
Two weeks ago, I was exploring the wilds of the Canadian Rockies as a guest of Rocky Mountaineer — the luxury touring train that operates …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
When Sandpoint’s Dillon family opened Panhandle Cone and Coffee, I recall their new storefront having a lot of quiet days. Like many food startups, I …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
Early Sunday morning, armed with a well-wrapped, hot-from-the-oven huckleberry and rhubarb cobbler, I hightailed it to daughter Casey’s home in Spokane. It turns out her …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
It was good seeing Bego again. She owns the Cook and Taste Cooking School in Barcelona. When we met last September, we made plans for …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
Hopefully, all of my edible Italian treasures — carefully wrapped and crammed into every nook and cranny of luggage space — will find their way …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
Call them what you may — miners’ pasty, Cornish pasty, Butte pasty or meat hand pie — no other food evokes stronger food memories for …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Columnist
I said July would be a big month, and it is! Did you know July is National Baked Bean, Hot Dog, Ice Cream, Pickle and …
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